Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial personality disorder is a kind of chronic mental state in which a person's ability of thinking, understanding situations and relating to others is not functional and destructive.
People suffering with antisocial personality disorder typically have no regard for right and wrong and often disregard the rights, wishes and feelings of others.
Those who are suffering from antisocial personality disorder are most likely to antagonize, manipulate or treat others either very harshly or with callous indifference.
Sometimes they can violate the law, landing in frequent trouble, yet they show no guilt or remorse. Typically these symptoms make people with antisocial personality disorder unable to fulfill their responsibilities related to family, work or school.
Causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder
Personality can be defined as the combination of thoughts, emotions and behaviors that makes everyone unique. It's the way people view, understand and relate to the outside world, as well as how they see themselves. Personality can be formed at the time of childhood, shaped through an interaction of these factors:
- Genetics - These inherited tendencies are aspects of a person's personality that are passed on by parents, like shyness or having a positive outlook. This is sometimes called temperament.
- Environment - This tells about the surroundings a person grows up in, events that occurred, and relationships with family members and others.
There can be a link present between an early lack of empathy understanding the perspectives and problems of others, including other children and later onset of antisocial personality disorder. Identifying these personality problems early may help improve long-term outcomes.
Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder
Some of the signs and symptoms of antisocial personality disorder may include:
- Disregard for right and wrong
- Persistent lying or deceit to exploit others
- Sense of superiority and exhibitionism
- Recurring difficulties with the law
- Regularly violating the rights of others by the use of intimidation, dishonesty and misrepresentation
- Child abuse or neglect
- Hostility, significant irritability, agitation, impulsiveness, aggression or violence
- Deficiency of empathy for others and lack of remorse about harming others
- Unnecessary risk-taking or dangerous behaviors
- Poor or abusive relationships
- Irresponsible work behavior
- Fail to learn from the negative consequences of behavior
The symptoms of antisocial personality disorder may initiate in childhood and are fully evident for most people during their 20s and 30s.
However, this disorder is known as a lifelong disorder but some symptoms can be particularly destructive and criminal behavior and the use of alcohol or drugs may decrease over time, but it's not known whether this disorder is a result of aging or an increased awareness of the consequences of antisocial behavior.
Treatment of Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial personality disorder is very difficult to treat. People with this disorder may not even want treatment or think they need it. But people suffering with antisocial personality disorder need treatment and close follow-up over the long term.
People suffering with antisocial personality disorder may also need treatment for other conditions, like depression, anxiety or substance use disorders. Doctors with experience of treating antisocial personality disorder and commonly associated conditions are most likely to be helpful.
The best treatment of antisocial personality disorder relies on each person's specific situation and severity of symptoms.