Every organ present inside our body performs specific functions, which are useful for balancing our health. The kidneys are paired organs of the excretory system that assist in the elimination of waste materials in the form of urine. Regulation of metabolites and secretion of specific hormones are other important functions performed by the kidneys. Acute Kidney Injury, also known as renal failure is marked by rapid loss of kidney function.
Causes of Acute Kidney Injury
causes of acute kidney injury are multiple. It is characterized by certain stages. The stages of acute kidney injury are classified on the basis of the decrease in the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). Malfunctioning of kidneys can be diagnosed by analyzing the GFR. The decrease in GFR causes accumulation of metabolic waste inside the body, thereby leading to a rise in the level of toxicity. Acute kidney injury is the first stage and the last stage is known as chronic renal failure. The causes of 
rapid loss of kidney function are illustrated below:
Symptoms of Acute Kidney Injury
Diagnosis is carried out with
blood tests and urine tests. The 
symptoms of acute renal failure are associated with a decrease in urine production and swelling in specific parts of the body. The symptoms are:
- Decreased urine production
- Decreased appetite
- Swelling of ankle, hands, and feet
- Bloody stools
- High blood pressure
- Bleeding of nose
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Bruising easily
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Decreased sensation
- Rapid hiccups
- Seizures
- Sluggish movements
Treatment for Acute Kidney Injury
The treatment starts once the kidney disease is confirmed. Some of the clinical tests include analysis of blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, and creatinine. Since acute kidney injury is the initial stage of the kidney failure, it can be treated completely with timely drug therapy. The treatment is aimed at restoring kidney function. Tablets are administered to regularize the blood pressure and 
prevent the occurrence of the seizures. One of the vital treatment options for regulating the normal function of the kidney is dialysis. Dialysis is one of the most promising treatment options for curing the complications of acute renal failure. There are two types of
dialysis, namely haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In this procedure, the dialyser takes over the function of the kidney and helps in removal of waste products from the body. It also regulates the blood pressure inside the body. However, chances of complete recovery from the chronic renal failure are very less, and it is actually a life-threatening condition.
Diet responsible for Acute Kidney Injury
Excessive consumption of protein-rich foods is one of the 
reasons behind a number of kidney diseases. Thus, nephrologists advise a limited intake of protein. Food like meat, eggs, and dairy products should be avoided as much as possible while following an ideal acute kidney injury diet. Curtailing the consumption of protein-rich vegetables is also advised. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates like grains, cereals, and whole foods, are safe for health. Since kidney injury causes deposition of toxins and salts inside the body, external intake of salts is restricted. You should prepare recipes low in sodium, as a high sodium diet will cause water retention inside the body. Food items that are rich in
potassium and
phosphorous (cheese, baking powder, meat, almonds, etc.) should be consumed in minimal amounts.
A person affected by acute kidney injury must follow the 
nephrologist’s advice when it comes to the use of medications, dialysis, and dietary guidelines. Timely diagnosis and treatment can certainly lower the risk of complications associated with the loss of kidney function.