Test Details & Preparation
A sinogram is a way of outlining any small track or wound, usually opening onto the skin, by injecting an X-ray dye (contrast medium) through a fine tube placed in the opening.
You will be taken into the X-ray room and asked to lie on the table. The area of skin involved will be exposed and cleaned well. The radiologist will then gently insert a fine tube into the opening and inject a little clear dye through it. While the dye is going in the doctor will be looking at the area on the camera and taking some pictures. Usually a sinogram should take no more than 30 minutes.
All X-ray procedures involve exposure to radiation in varying amounts. The duration and level of exposure to X-rays is strictly controlled and kept to the minimum necessary.
Please tell the doctor if you are, or might be pregnant before starting your examination.
After the procedure, the images will be examined further by the radiologist, who will then write a report on the findings. Your results will be available from the clinician who sent you for the examination.