About Tech-Med Healthcare Center
Tech-MedHealthcare Center in Chennai was formed with a motive to develop an environment wheretreatment is neither delayed nor giving lack of lab facilities. They have beenmaking a huge progress in the area of Hospital Lab Management (HLM) in India.
Since their formationin 2008, their brand has got a huge attention from doctors, hospitals andpatients, thanks to the efforts made by them and firm compliance of their corevalues – to be friendly, innovative, distinctive, reliable and growth-oriented- giving them a leading edge in the industry.
Tech-MedHealthcare approach which they have taken to the management of laboratory services allows theirpartners to release complete responsibility of the lab division, one of theirprime responsibilities, while simultaneously enjoying the benefits of a hi techlaboratory viz., faster delivery of reports, greater revenue through referralsand better investment of time, to name a few.
Tech-MedHealthcare resolute commitment to being prompt and quality driven, is reflected in thehost of special services and facilities they offer such as a 24/7 lab servicefacility and hi-tech reports that allow for virtual access to patient recordsand reports, making them the favored choice among stakeholders.
Thequalified and trained staff works with the most modern technology, equipmentand processes to make sure that they will provide efficient service andminimize errors in reporting. As an organization in Chennai it follows a growth-for-allapproach, they adopt progressive practices that benefit all of their partners,including doctors, hospitals, vendors and employees.
Tech-MedHealthcare wellness programs are designed in a manner to help customers live awell-balanced lifestyle that ensures physical, mental and social well-being.Stress management, detoxification, smoking de-addiction and couple therapy are fewof the programs in the wide array of wellness programs that they offer.
You can book online all Blood Test with Tech-MedHealthcare Center on www.Lazoi.com. 
Accreditation: NABL
Ambulance Available: No